Internet Marketing: A Complete Guide For The Beginners

By: Polly More
Published: July 12, 2019

When we talk about Internet Marketing, a lot of things come to mind. Many think of a website or social media. Others may think of blogging or affiliate marketing. Lots of them! Indeed, all circles in the same avenue “Internet Marketing”.

The use of the internet is increasing worldwide day after day. That’s why internet marketing has all but taken the place of traditional marketing.

Besides internet marketing offers a lot of benefits to marketers than traditional marketing. Such as scope of reach, engagement, conversion rate, and even customer relationship building.

What Is Internet Marketing

Internet marketing or Online marketing is a form of marketing that uses the internet to convey promotional messages to customers.

This can be through digital channels such as websites, emails, search engines, social media, etc. In fact, any form of marketing effort that you carry out online falls within this category.

With the help of the Internet today, you can build tons of connections in your comfort zone. Hence, as a single individual, you can build a huge business from the comfort of your home.

Moreover, the internet encourages a close conversation between your business and your customers. Therefore, it has the ability to create better customer retention, unlike traditional marketing.

How Does Internet Marketing Influence The Marketing Scene Today?

Internet marketing is an easy route to your marketing campaign success, only if you come up with a great strategy. You can begin to enjoy more success and fun when you become more excited about internet marketing.

Just like the definition of internet marketing goes as an effort to make your business more visible online. This is one of the key influence of internet marketing in the marketing world today.

It Attracts New Customers Or Audience – Improves Brand Reach

Every business would want a new and broad audience reach. And to a greater effect, internet marketing presents you with this opportunity. Meanwhile, a strong social media campaign can boost your chances of achieving this particular goal.

For instance, you can pay a social media influencer to get your brand across his well-established community. This practice will enable audience of different categories to engage with your brand or business. And also with a greater conversion opportunity.

However, to keep up with the pace at which online marketing moves, you need a strong foundation. Again, you need to be particularly creative to out-pace your competitions.

Being creative pays a dividend in online marketing. If customers find your website confusing or misleading, they might feel deterred from trusting your brand or purchasing from you. So its always important to create a user-friendly website in order to attract new customers.

Internet Marketing Builds Brand Loyalty

In every marketing sector, its not all about attracting new customers that mattered most. But also the ability to retain the already existing ones. So, it’s quite an important goal and internet marketing has all it takes to make your customers stay.

With online marketing platforms such as email and social media, you can opt to send your customers a customized email newsletter just to impress them. In your newsletter, you might consider sending them a discount offer based on what they have purchased before.

This is a clear tactic on trying to buy the hearts of your customers to ensure that you retain them.

The fact that internet marketing supports a two-way conversation, that is between your business and your customers is more telling.

If your customers can interact well enough with your business, probably they would have nothing to worry about. Because they know you have got them covered. Mind you, social media does it all too.

Internet Marketing Top Examples

Internet marketing is a pretty broad term. There are lots of things to inspire your internet marketing campaign. Let’s run through some of them

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

This is just the paid version of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). In the bid to drive traffic or lead to the marketer’s products landing pages. Marketers may decide to pay Google in order to display their result on the top of search engine result pages. This effort is to enable users to easily find them in every search.

SEM is quite similar to SEO, just that SEO is free. With SEO, you’ll optimize your website to rank well in search results, helping people to find you organically. However, to rank well in your SEO you will have to do extensive work in keyword research, link building, and quality content creation.

Social Media Marketing

Most of us leverage on one social media platform or another. With the powers of social media, you can engage with your customers, build relationships, and then link them to your products and services (Brand or Business).

You can equally create business profiles in as many social media channels as you want. However, it is always important to be effective in one or two than to be a jack of all trade.

Like we know, the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram remains the most popular and populated social network. So, you can go for the best!

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

This is more like search engine marketing. Most social media encourages advertising platforms that you create an ad and it appears in their news feed. As a marketer, this kind of advertising gets your brand in front of a new audience.

Moreover, depending on platforms and what you might be optimizing. You’ll have to for the results, either for clicks, conversions or impressions.

Email Marketing

Considered by many as outdated, but it’s still an effective means of online marketing. Once your customers grant you permission to email them. Your goal is to remind them that you’re always available and your products are waiting.

Marketers are always ready to distribute their newsletter whenever a new deal is on. You can equally use a discount to lure your customers back, those who have purchased from you before. And also the prospective ones.

Also, We Have Content Marketing

Here, marketers use valuable media and content to draw in leads and establishing trusts among the audience. However, if you don’t plan on creating quality content regularly, this internet marketing loses it’s momentum quickly.

Content marketing can come in the form of writing blog posts published on your site, guest posts on another site, case study and so on.

Lastly, Can I Measure My Internet Marketing?

Yes, Internet marketing is measurable despite the platform you choose. With the most notable tool to measure your online marketing performance being Google Analytics.

Google Analytics helps you to discover lots of metrics about your internet marketing performance. Such as, what channels are sending your site traffics, who’s visiting your site, and even how they are interacting with it.

Similarly, tools like Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytic, and Instagram Insights can help you measure these your social media’s metric. Such as likes, share, comments, impressions, retweets, etc.

With this information, you can be able to evaluate and optimize your internet marketing campaign’s performances.


Internet marketing is such a huge marketing place and its, however, a necessity for businesses. You can only mention but a few. And with lots of platforms and free tools to manage your marketing campaigns, you have less to worry about.

Get started today. It’s better Late than Never!

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